Introduction ...……………………………………………………………… 3 1. Key words about international words .………………………………….. 4 2. Peculiarities of international words translation..………………………… 7 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 10 Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….. 11

International words

10 страниц
94% уникальность
2019 год
214 просмотров
Прудникова А.
Эксперт по предмету «Лексикология»
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Introduction ...……………………………………………………………… 3 1. Key words about international words .………………………………….. 4 2. Peculiarities of international words translation..………………………… 7 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 10 Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….. 11
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Introduction The article deals with international words and peculiarities of their translations. Currently many linguists note astonishing intensification in the evolution of different types of languages. This is primarily due to the scientific and technological revolution, which affected almost all countries of the world with serious political and social changes and development of mass media. All words have their history even those which appeared spontaneously. Words are the brightest part of language; they are connected with all spheres of human society, politics, sport, technology, science and art, because that is the sphere where they are formed to provide necessary communication for the existence of human activities. Understanding of their origin is a powerful source of technical terminology development. Most words as well as international words in English are ambiguous with different interpretations; words can mean different things in different contexts, especially concerning technical terms. Material of the research is international words obtained in the result of borrowing frоm other languages. The purpose of the work is a comprehensive study of the concept of international words. Work tasks: – Learn key words about international words; – Learn peculiarities of international words translation.

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. The structure of the work includes an introduction, two paragraphs, conclusion, and bibliography.

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Conclusion It follows that the existence of international lexis, and mainly understanding of the conditions of its functioning, its system-structural relationships can help to optimize the cognitive processes in any sphere of human activity. International lexis as a product of history and as a linguistic phenomenon occupies the minds of many linguists. However, we cannot say that the existing books on linguistics, lexicography, theory and practice of translation abound with a variety of material on the subject of internationalism. It is necessary to establish the fact of uniformity in the supply of information material on internationalisms issues. There are three main conversions in translation of international words which are of natural character. They are the specialization of English common scientific international words and de-specialization in their translation. Specialization of lexisis the substitution of the common English word by the appropriate word in the native language which has more specific general meaning. The result of specialization in translation is a common equivalent. Such equivalents reflect the content of the appropriate English words in the form of expression in scientific vocabulary in the native language. For example: “the power of the approach” - «достоинство подхода», contributor of unreliability - «источник ненадежности», the entire world of biological structures - «вся совокупность биологических структур»; the above insights are obtained mostly frоm... - «приведенные выше выводы получены главным образом на основании...»; the major attraction of the active filter - «основное достоинство активного фильтра»; these cars feature a radar sensor system - «эти автомобили оборудованы радиолокационной системой». These examples illustrate the specialization of the meaning of the common words in scientific translation. De-specialization is manifested in substitution of English common scientific international words into Russian non-international word. This process does not concern scientific terms. For example, “era” –“период”, “phase – “фаза”.
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1. Akulenko V.V. (2017), Issues of internationalization of language lexis: [in Russian]. 2. Ahmanova O.S. (2014), Glossary of linguistic terms. Moscow, Russia: [in Russian]. 3. Barinov S.M. (2011). Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary. Mocow, Russia: [in Russian]. 4. Belchikov Y.A. (2010), International terminology in the Russian language. Moscow, Russia: [in Russian]. 5. Borisova L.I. (2015), False Translator’s friends. Moscow, Russia: [in Russian]. 6. Vinogradov S.N. (2013), Vagueness of terminology and its causes (based on the material of word formation terminology. Novgorod, Russia: [in Russian]. 7. Zhluktenko Y.A. (2010), International elements in lexicon and terminology: [in Russian]. 8. Rozental D.E. (2016), Dictionary of linguistic terms: A Handbook for Teachers. Moscow, Russia: [in Russian]. 9. Rozental D.E. (2016), Dictionary of linguistic terms. [in English].
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