Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Translation of non-equivalent vocabulary as a linguistic problem 5 1.1 Translation as the central concept of translation Studies 5 1.2 Difficulties in translating non-equivalent vocabulary 12 Chapter 2. Non-equivalent vocabulary, the concept and methods of translation 15 2.1 The concept of non-equivalent vocabulary and its classification 15 2.2 Methods of translating non-equivalent vocabulary 23 Conclusion 30 List of literature 31

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Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Translation of non-equivalent vocabulary as a linguistic problem 5 1.1 Translation as the central concept of translation Studies 5 1.2 Difficulties in translating non-equivalent vocabulary 12 Chapter 2. Non-equivalent vocabulary, the concept and methods of translation 15 2.1 The concept of non-equivalent vocabulary and its classification 15 2.2 Methods of translating non-equivalent vocabulary 23 Conclusion 30 List of literature 31
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Language is a mirror of culture. It reflects not only the real world that surrounds a person, not only the real conditions of his life, but also the social consciousness of the people, their mentality, national character, way of life, traditions, customs, morality, value system, attitude, vision of the world. Meanwhile, a certain dependence of languages on culture creates problems in terms of cross-cultural interaction. Most of all, the cultural differences of languages are manifested in the vocabulary and phraseology.

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As a result of these differences, it is possible to find such language units that do not have equivalents in the system of another language. In the theory and practice of translation, this phenomenon is called non-equivalent vocabulary. Non-equivalent vocabulary is defined as lexical units of the source language that have no equivalents in the dictionary of the translating language. The problem of nonequivalence is presented in the works of such researchers as L. S. Barkhudarov, E. M. Vereshchagin and V. G. Kostomarov, S. Vlakhov and S. Florin, V. S. Vinogradov, O. A. Ivanov, etc. Meanwhile, as the researchers of the problem note, non-equivalence does not mean that such vocabulary is untranslatable. In a real context, there are certain techniques for transmitting non-equivalent vocabulary. According to the authors, special difficulties arise when translating non-equivalent units in literary texts. The peculiarities of the mentality and thinking of a particular people, the system of values can be traced in the work of musicians. We find it interesting to consider the problem of nonequivalence in this direction. The object of the study is the non-equivalent vocabulary of the English language. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of translating non-equivalent vocabulary frоm English into Russian. The relevance of the study of the problem of translation of non-equivalent vocabulary is determined by the fact that the essence of this vocabulary shows how one language differs frоm another, not only at the interlanguage level, but also at the cultural level. Since the modern process of teaching a foreign language in school is aimed at learning the language in connection with culture, it is interesting to use the material on the topic of research in school.The aim of the study is to study the peculiarities of translating non-equivalent vocabulary frоm English into Russian using the example of song texts. The set goal determined the achievement of the following tasks: 1. Consider different approaches to the concept of "translation". 2. To study approaches to the definition of the concept of "non-equivalent vocabulary" and to consider various classifications. 3. Identify the main ways to translate non-equivalent vocabulary. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the work examines important and relevant aspects for translation studies and the theory of intercultural communication, such as the problems of translating non-equivalent vocabulary in the context of the unity of language and culture. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the research materials in the course of studying the linguistic disciplines "Intercultural Communication", "Theory and practice of translation", the use of teachers in school during lessons, extracurricular activities in English, as well as when writing students ' articles, essays and term papers.

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Analysis of the theoretical literature has shown that translation as a phenomenon originated in ancient times. The concept of translation is the central concept of translation studies. In addition, he is a member of the circle of interests of the theory of intercultural communication. Researchers define this concept in different ways, some as a process, others as a result. In our 31 studies, we will adhere to the definition of translation by L. K. Latyshev, who understands translation as a type of language mediation, the purpose of which is to bring bilingual language communication as close as possible to monolingual communication. Literary translation as a type of translation is particularly difficult for translators, since literary texts reflect the national mentality of the people, which is manifested in the elements of everyday life of culture, objects of material culture, phenomena of life, spiritual culture. Meanwhile, a special difficulty in translation is the BEL, which is defined as the units of the dictionary of the IY, which do not have equivalents in the vocabulary of the IY. The BEL layer includes realities, exotisms, author's occasionalisms, neologisms, phraseological units, etc. As the researchers of this issue note, it is not necessary to assume that this layer of vocabulary is untranslatable in principle, since any concept can be expressed using special methods and techniques when translating non-equivalent units. In the theory of translation, there are various methods of transmitting BEL, such as: - lexico-semantic: transliteration and transcription, calcification and semi-calcification, semantic modification, description, commentary and mixed translation; - grammatical: zero translation, propagation, compression, functional substitution, conversion, antonymic translation. The researchers note that when translating a literary text, transcription is less often used, and description is more often used. Ultimately, the choice of a particular method depends on the context
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