INTRODUCTION................................................................................................3 Specificity of the term «semantic» and it`s categories.........................................4 Specificity of the term «stylistics» and it`s classification....................................5 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................8 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................9

Stylistics and Semantics

8 страниц
85% уникальность
2022 год
18 просмотров
Колесова А.
Эксперт по предмету «Английский»
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INTRODUCTION................................................................................................3 Specificity of the term «semantic» and it`s categories.........................................4 Specificity of the term «stylistics» and it`s classification....................................5 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................8 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................9
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Treating vocabulary as a versatile and multi-level, and, at the same time, integral, systemic object allows to explain the possibility of constructing its different yet interrelated classifications. The most various classes of lexical units lexico-semantic, size-semantic, lexico-grammatical, lexico-stylistical etc.) can be regarded as subsets of that system, the subsets being singled out on different grounds and therefore overlapping in their elements. The overlapping degree of such classes may reflect the systemic correlation degree of the features underlying the partitions. Objectives of systemic lexicological research include substantiating systemic significance of lexical characteristics, parameters and categories to be investigated, forecasting and then - experimentally revealing double and/or multiple correlations and dependences between them, and, lastly, explaining the causes of their interdependence, integrating the knowledge on the dependencies within general lexicological and linguistic theory. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that, on the basis of modern scientific theory, the basic concepts, units and categories of semantics and stylistics were more strictly defined, the apparatus of semantic analysis was developed, and the prospects for the development of the science of the semantic structure of the language were outlined. The aim of the present report is studying some special features of semantic and stylistic organization of languages. The tasks of our work are the following: 1.

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. To study classification of styles 2. To study categories of semantics 3. To get acquainted with terms stylistics and semantics

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As a result we should say that semantics is a broad topic with many layers and not all people that study it study these layers in the same way. And when scientists attempt to describe what they're studying, this results can be confusing because the term meaning can be understood in many ways and not all of them are connected to the field of linguistics. Moreover it is necessary to mention that the image of the sense of the speech requires special stylistic figures, expressive colors of the language. They reveal themselves in the fact that the figurative expression appeared before the scientific-conceptual one: concrete-sensory representations – images, language preceded analytical judgments. Stylistic figures of speech are earlier forms of intellection than similar scientific-logical syllogisms. These are also peculiar syllogisms, because they prove the imaginary truth of their conclusion. They contribute to the image, evaluation, and emotional coloring of written speech, convey information transmitted in a different way. Even though it is at first sight very difficult or all but impossible to establish a connection between the two concepts of semantics and style, a more thorough analysis of all the elements constituting the two concepts can reveal that, besides irreconcilable differences, they have a lot in common. It is necessary to bear in mind, that semantics is a special branch of linguistics, devoted to investigating the semantic plane of language structure, mainly in its synchronic aspect, and that it is focused on the empirical study of the meanings of signs and utterances in natural languages, namely the relationship between them and the concepts they signify.
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1. Arnold I. V. Stylistics of modern English language М.: Flinta, Nauka, 2012. - 384 p. 2. Belyaevskaya E.G.Semantics of the word М.: Vishya shkola, 1987.- 126 p. 3. Crystal David 1987, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language Cambridge: University Press, 1987.- 514 p. 4. Galperin I. R. Stylistics of English language / English stylistics М.: Krasand, 2014. - 336 p. 5. Galperin I. R. – Notes about stylistics of English language. Experience of systematizationof expressive means М.: Librokom, 2012. -376 p. 6. Gurevich V.V. “English Stylistics. Teaching aid”. – 2nd edition.—М.: Flinta, Nauka, 2009.— 144 p. 7. Kozina M.N. Stylistics of Russian language М.: Flinta, Nauka, 2008.-464 p. 8. Leech G. Towards a Semantic Description of English Longmans , London: Longman, 1969.- 277 p. 9. Riemer Nick, Introducing Semantics Cambridge : University Press, 2010.- 460 p. 10. Smirnitski A. I. Lexicology of English LanguageМ.: IL, 1956.- 260 p. 11. Stephen G. Pulman Semantic relatedness frоm automatically generated semantic networks, Cambridge: Prentice Hall, 2012.- 304 p. 12. Turanski I. I. Semantic category of intensity of English language М.:Vishya shkola, 1990.- 173 p.
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