1. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующую глагольную форму страдательного залога. Предложения перепишите и переведите. Укажите время сказуемого. Образец: She (sack) last week. - She was sacked last week. (The Past Simple Tense Passive Voice) - Ee уволили на прошлой неделе 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя модальные глаголь: и их эквиваленты в соответствующем времени. Предложения перепишите и переведите. 1. If a person does not have enough capital he (may) borrow some frоm the bank in the form of a loan or an overdraft. If a person does not have enough capital he may borrow some frоm the bank in the form of a loan or an overdraft. Если у человека недостаточно средств, он может занять их в банке в виде кредита или овердрафта. 2. As we set up a new branch last year, we (have to) hire about 100 new employees. As we set up a new branch last year, we had to hire about 100 new employees. Так как мы открыли новый филиал в прошлом году, нам пришлось нанять около 100 новых сотрудников. 3. An employee handbook (should) cover topics such as pay rates, working conditions and fringe benefits. An employee handbook should cover topics such as pay rates, working conditions and fringe benefits. Справочник сотрудника должен освещать такие темы, как уровень оплаты, условия труда и дополнительные льготы. 4. We (need) to hire people only with specific skills and interests that match the organization. We need to hire people only with specific skills and interests that match the organization. Нам нужно принимать на работу людей только со специальными навыками и интересами, которые подходят организации. 5. As he was the only worker who (can) operate sophisticated equipment, he was paid bonuses. As he was the only worker who could operate sophisticated equipment, he was paid bonuses. 3. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на специфику перевода причастия I Укажите форму и функцию причастия в каждом случае. Образец: The woman leading the competitor team is a good negotiator. – Женщина, возглавляющая команду конкурентов, умеет хорошо вести переговоры. Leading – the Active Simple Participle I, функция – определение (после определяемого слова) 4. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на специфику перевода причастия II Укажите функцию причастия в каждом случае. Образец: They took part in the talks held last week. – Они приняли участи в переговорах, проведенных на прошлой неделе. Held - определение (после определяемого слова) 5. Прочитайте и перепишите текст. Переведите его письменно. RECRUITING CANDIDATES Planning assists in implementing strategy by translating the organization’s goals into the workers needed to achieve them. The organization forecasts its human resource requirements in order to determine the number of employees to hire and the types of skills they will need. Forecasting employment needs includes current and future assessment. The manager wants to make sure that the number of employees matches the workload. In the current assessment, managers take a human resource inventory to assess what talents and skills are currently resident in the organization, and conduct a job analysis to define the tasks and the behaviors necessary to perform them. Job analysis provides the information for a job description - a written description of job content, environment and conditions of employment, and job specification - knowledge, skills and abilities needed to do the job effectively. Future assessment determines the firm’s future human resource requirements by looking at the overall organizational goals derived frоm strategic planning. Assessing current capabilities and future needs reveals areas where the organization is overstaffed and estimates human resource shortages. The organization develops a pool of job candidates frоm which to selеct qualified employees. Information gathered through job analysis can guide recruitment to fill skill and personnel gaps. Recruitment efforts include running newspaper ads, contacting employment agencies, and visiting colleges. Many organizations are turning to the Internet to recruit a workforce. Benefits of online recruiting include reduced cost-per-hire, less time-to-fill, and a larger pool of quality candidates. Decruitment is a reduction in the organization’s labor force through firing, layoffs, attrition, and early retirement, or maintaining employees through transfers, reduced workweeks or job sharing.


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