Pelvic organs
The 7th day of menstrual period
The body of womb: anteversio, anteflexio
The outline: regular, clear, not misshapen;
The shape of the uterus - regular
Dimensions: longitudinal 40mm, anteroposterior -31mm, anteroposterior -38mm, Dimension- 24,5cm3
The structure of the myometrium: anterior wall is unhomogeneous
Cavity of uterus: width to 1, 1 mm with anechoic and heterogeneous content
Median M-echo: dimension 2,8mm, the border of the endometrium and myometrium-regular, assessment of the endometrium with CDM: the lack of blood flow -1 point
Cervix of the uterus: Dimensions 25X21mm – not enlarged, the shape -regular, the outline- clear, regular. The structure of the muscle layer is heterogeneous. The cervical canal is close. M-echo of the cervical canal is 7,0mm
Left appendages: the location of the ovary is typical; the outline is regular, clear. Dimensions 24x13x16, Dimension- 2,5cm3
The structure: 2-3 follicles in echo-slice with diameter to 6mm
Capsule is not modified
The tube can’t be located during this examination
Right appendages: the location of the ovary is typical; the outline is regular, clear. Dimensions 29x18x19, Dimension- 5,1cm3
The structure: 2-3 follicles in echo-slice with diameter to 10mm
Capsule is not modified
The tube can’t be located during this examination
In pelvis the free liquid is not located. The urinary bladder is of regular ovoid shape, moderate filling, with the regular and clear outline, not modified, with homogeneous contents. There are no odd neoplasms in its view.
Between the left ovary and the edge of the uterus the anechoic thin-walled neoplasm with homogeneous contents can be located. Dimensions 20x12x17, avascular with CDM
Medical report: paraovarian cyst in the left side, decrease of the follicular reserve of both ovaries
Recommendation: to consult gynecologist, ultrasonic scanning in 3-6 months
Ultrasonic scanning doctor Candidate of Medical Science, license FMF (ID 114778) Kucheev vitally Vladimirovitch
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