Introduction 3
1. Development of scientific discipline of documentation 4
2. Current situation in scientific discipline of documentation 8
3. Prospects of scientific discipline of documentation 18
Conclusion 26
Literature 27
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Document circulation originates during ancient times. It is connected with development of process of business interaction between dealers, and also about development of legal system. In Russia it is possible to consider as the basic stages of development of document circulation occurrences reading and writing on birch bark, then the edition of "Russkaya Pravda", then Peter I acts. In the USSR also there was a document which regulated document circulation development ("Substantive provisions USSO").
Now document circulation is based on system of standards ISO9001:2008 which regulates not only official registration of papers, but also their reference in the organization. The future development document circulation is closely connected with computer systems. All organizations pass to automation of the business processes, and document circulation didn't become an exception. Now already function such computer systems of the organization of document circulation, as document management system (DMS) and Document automation (also known as document assembly).
A document management system (DMS) is a computer system (or set of computer programs) used to track and store electronic documents and/or images of paper documents.
Document automation (also known as document assembly) is the design of systems and workflow that assist in the creation of electronic documents. These include logic based systems that use segments of pre-existing text and/or data to assemble a new document. This process is increasingly used within certain industries to assemble legal documents, contracts and letters. Document automation system can also be used to automate all conditional text, variable text, and data contained within a set of documents.
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