1.1 Discourse concept 5
1.2 Characteristics of political discourse 9
2.1 Analysis of the POLITICS concept in the American media 15
2.2. Representation of the concept of POLITICS in American media
texts of a political orientation 21
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In the course of this work, the following main goal was set: the actualization of the concept of POLITICS in the American political discourse of the 20th and 21st centuries. To achieve this goal, the following main tasks were solved:
- considered the concept of discourse;
- considered the characteristics of political discourse;
- the analysis of the POLITICS concept in the American media was carried out;
- analyzed the representation of the concept of POLITICS in American media texts of a political orientation.
Based on the results of this work, the following main conclusions can be drawn:
The communicative category of tolerance establishes the vector of the necessary attitude towards people and their worldview in general, includes such values as conflict-free, respect, the desire to understand and join the culture of another person and is aimed at regulating the verbal behavior of communicators.
Tolerance is a communicative category, since it has its own content in the form of a prescriptive aspect of information and content, contradicts cintolerance, has a gradual nature of manifestation and is realized with the help of certain speech and linguistic means.
The communicative category of tolerance can be viewed at the global and local levels.
In political discourse, the category of tolerance is realized in the topos, conveying the ideological attitudes of the category of tolerance, as well as through strategies of benevolence, impartiality, understatement and tactics and means that harmonize communication in potentially conflict or conflict situations.
Tolerance is gradual in the political discourse space and manifests itself in varying degrees in the speech of diplomats and politicians at the global and local levels.
At the global level of political discourse, a similar set of tools is used to implement the communicative category of tolerance, since diplomats act as mediators in interstate dialogue, and their speech is characterized by less manifestation of a personal principle and a greater degree of universality. At the local level, there are significant differences due to national and cultural characteristics and socio-political factors.
Tolerance in the speech of the leaders of Russia and the United States at the present stage is becoming an integral feature of modern political discourse and manifests itself in both prepared and less prepared texts of speeches by the presidents of Russia and the United States.
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