Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………….…3 1 Structural and functional features of syntactic constructions typical for dialogic speech in a belles letters ………………………………………………………………………………………5 1.1 Features of the artistic style of speech ……………………………………………………...5 1.2 The language specifics of the dialogue in the artistic text ………………………………….8 2 Syntactic features of modern English dialogue ……………………………………………….13 2.1 Modern approaches to the problem of syntactic transformations in the formation of dialogic speech ……………………………………………………………………………………………13 2.2 The main characteristics of the syntactic structure of the utterance in the dialogic speech of the English belles letters ………………………………………………………………………...17 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………22 Bibliographic list…………………………………………………………………………………24

Синтаксические особенности современного английского диалога

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Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………….…3 1 Structural and functional features of syntactic constructions typical for dialogic speech in a belles letters ………………………………………………………………………………………5 1.1 Features of the artistic style of speech ……………………………………………………...5 1.2 The language specifics of the dialogue in the artistic text ………………………………….8 2 Syntactic features of modern English dialogue ……………………………………………….13 2.1 Modern approaches to the problem of syntactic transformations in the formation of dialogic speech ……………………………………………………………………………………………13 2.2 The main characteristics of the syntactic structure of the utterance in the dialogic speech of the English belles letters ………………………………………………………………………...17 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………22 Bibliographic list…………………………………………………………………………………24
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The syntactic structure of the dialog as an object of research is an important aspect. To achieve the communicative adequacy of a particular message within the framework of conversational discourse, as well as for the adequate perception of information, knowledge of the norms of the codified language is not enough. It is necessary to draw a clear line between the norms of the literary language, described in detail in numerous grammars, and the trends of oral speech, which often contradict the established rules. However, the literary text, being the written form of the language, harmoniously combines the literary and conversational style. Oral speech as such and dialogue within the framework of a work of fiction are not identical in terms of a set of language characteristics. Since syntax is less susceptible to changes over time than the lexical system of a language, it is quite legitimate to study the syntactic structure of an utterance on the material of a work created at the beginning of the XX century.

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. Thus, we can confidently speak about the relevance of the problem of literary translation in general and the ways of transmitting the syntactic structures of the English language, in particular. The object of the research is the typical syntactic structures of dialogic speech in the English literary text. The subject of the research is the ways of adequate transmission of syntactic structures of English dialogue. The aim of the work is to study the ways of achieving equivalence in the translation of syntactic constructions of English dialogue in a literary text. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks: 1) identify the stylistic dominants of the literary text; 2) consider the main characteristics of the syntactic structure of English dialogic speech; 3) determine the features of the syntactic structure of the English dialogue in the literary text. The material of the research is short stories by Somerset Maugham. The research file includes 145 examples. The main methods used in the study include such general scientific methods as description, observation, classification, analysis and synthesis. The linguistic methods used include the comparative-comparative method, which allows us to identify the similarities and differences of certain phenomena in the considered pair of languages; the descriptive method (the description of linguistic facts in the synchronic aspect); and the contextual description method, which allows us to take into account the linguistic environment and the situational conditionality of various text fragments. The theoretical basis of the research is the work of specialists in the field of text linguistics - I. R. Galperin, L. G. Babenko, in the field of stylistics - I. V. Arnold, A. N. Gvozdev, V. P. Moskvin; in the field of English grammar - V. V. Buzarov, V. V. Burlakova, I. P. Ivanova; in the field of general translation theory - L. S. Barkhudarov, V. N. Komisarov, A. V. Fedorova. The theoretical significance of the research is that the study of syntactic constructions of English dialogue, the specifics of their functioning in a literary text and the ways of their adequate transmission into Russian will allow us to clarify the existing provisions of the theory of translation, grammar, cognitive science and functional stylistics. The practical significance of the work is determined by the possibility to use the results of the research in translation practice, as well as in courses on stylistics, grammar, general and particular translation theory. The structure of the thesis is determined by the goal and objectives of the study. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list. The Introduction substantiates the relevance and scientific novelty of the research topic, concretizes its object and subject, defines the purpose and objectives; indicates the theoretical significance and practical value of the work; the methodological basis of the study is revealed; the main provisions submitted for defense are presented. Chapter 1, "Theoretical problems of the study of colloquial speech and everyday discourse", reveals the theoretical foundations of the study, identifies controversial issues and unresolved problems related to the definition and differentiation of the concepts of "artistic style" and "colloquial speech", as well as the concept of dialogue. in this chapter, certain features of the literary text and the specifics of the linguistic content of dialogues in works of art are noted. In Chapter 2, "Syntactic features of modern English dialogue", the main approaches to the problem of syntactic transformations in the creation of dialogues in works are considered. in addition, this chapter has analyzed the main features of the dialog syntax. In conclusion, the course work summarizes the results of the study and outlines the prospects for further research on the existence of dialogues in works of art.

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To this end, in the theoretical chapter, we considered the phenomenon of dialogic speech, its characteristic features and differences frоm monological speech, and also studied the factors that affect the flow of the communication process. Taking into account these factors and the peculiarities of dialogue as a form of communication is necessary when studying the units of dialogic speech-utterances. When analyzing the concept of utterance, as well as various approaches to its study, we focused on the communicative-semantic theory of utterance, developed by L. P. Chakhoyan. In the course of the work performed, the results of scientists ' research in the field of grammar, language stylistics, translation theory and other linguistic disciplines were considered, as well as the analysis of the short stories by Somerset Maugham was carried out. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that there are a number of regularities in the dialogic speech of a literary text. First of all, we are talking about a violation of the norms of the codified language, which is explained by the author's desire to create the effect of unpreparedness of the character's speech in an informal communication situation. In dialogue, preference is usually given to simple syntactic constructions and, therefore, this feature of oral speech is reflected in the stylization of it. Thus, another characteristic feature of dialogic speech in a literary text is the ellipticity of syntactic structures. However, we should not forget about the important difference between written and oral dialogue, which is a higher degree of explicitness of the first. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that in written communication there is no possibility of transmitting meaning by non-verbal means. Further, the translator should take into account the fact that the syntactic structure of individual utterances of the dialogue is influenced by such factors as the general rhythm of a prose work, the peculiarities of the literary type, genre, as well as the art direction to which the literary text belongs. In addition, the dependence of the syntactic design of dialogic speech (the preference for certain typical conversational structures, the degree of informality of the replicas, the stereotypical or original manner of expressing the thoughts of the characters) on the individual author's style is obvious. Finally, when translating a literary text, it is necessary to remember the subordination of the particular to the whole. Thus, the syntactic structure of dialogic speech corresponds to the main function of the text, the prevailing mood, the features of the composition, and other general factors. Based on the comparative analysis of the original texts and the completed translation, conclusions were drawn about the typicality and uniqueness of the transformations used and the reasons for this relationship. Thus, the most characteristic syntactic transformations for this text are substitution and permutation. A particularly typical transformation is the rearrangement of the circumstance, since the difference in the thematic structure of the utterance in the source and the translating languages is fundamental and, therefore, manifests itself quite often. Among the grammatical substitutions, first of all, it is necessary to distinguish a complex functional replacement, as well as the replacement of a passive construction with an active one. This situation is caused by the fact that the use of the passive voice is very common in English dialogue, while in Russian colloquial speech, passive constructions are not frequent. Unique transformations for this text are the permutation of the main members of the sentence, the permutation of the non-personal forms of the verb, the nominal part of the composite predicate, and the replacement of the uniоn type of connection with the non-uniоn one. In general, the permutation of a simple sentence in a complex sentence and other syntactic substitutions in complex sentences are atypical transformations for this translation, since the subject of the analysis was dialogic speech, which is not characterized by cumbersome syntactic constructions. In conclusion, it should be noted that literary translation is of interest not only as a subject of research, but, above all, as a creative process of recreating aesthetic values. Transcending linguistic and ideological boundaries, the translator is an indispensable intermediary in the global process of cultural exchange and mutual enrichment of peoples.
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