Introduction 3
1. International languages 5
1.1 International languages as a means of communication 5
1.2 History of international languages 6
1.3 International language problems 7
2. Indian English 9
2.1 History of origin 9
2.2 English in modern India 10
3. The role of English as International language 13
Conclusion 16
Bibliographic list 18
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Thus, we found out that the international language plays an important role in different areas of our life. Of course, the main function of the language is the communication function, but the international language also serves as a regulator of relations between different countries, which is very important for the successful development of our future.
The following tasks were completed in the work:
considered the history of international languages;
the problems of international languages have been identified;
the history of the origin of Indian English is considered;
the place of English in modern India has been determined;
the role of the English language in the system of international languages has been determined.
International languages should not be taken lightly and considered useless because your native language is enough for you. The likelihood that knowledge of other languages will come in handy is very high, especially in modern society, where everything is based on the rallying of foreign states. Multilingualism has always caused a problem in international cooperation, in the progress of world culture. This is especially acute in our time, when the number of international organizations is rapidly increasing and international business contacts are expanding.
In short, international languages are an important phenomenon in our life, which is gaining more and more importance. It helps us not only to understand others, but also to develop our own intelligence.
The importance of the English language in international communication is very important, as it is considered one of the most popular in the world. Speaking English, you can feel comfortable in any country. Knowing this language, you can be able to solve affairs with your foreign business partners without any problems, work and undergo training in educational institutions of any country in the world, and make new acquaintances.
Due to its closed nature, Indian English continues to mix with Indian languages, acquiring quite specific features, especially in the spoken form.
English has long been transformed frоm the language of the invaders into a part of Indian culture, without which many Indians simply cannot imagine themselves.
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