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18. John S Trimingham (1962), History of Islam in West Africa, Oxford University Press, pages 31-33
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21. Haddy Tunkara-Bah (2016). "Sociocultural factors influencing fertility among the Soninke". African Renaissance. 13 (1–2): 31–44., Quote: "The Soninke society in the Gambia is primarily rural and highly gender-stratified culture. (...) In the Soninke social organization everyone occupies a place."
22. Tal Tamari (1991). "The Development of Caste Systems in West Africa". The Journal of African History. Cambridge University Press. 32 (2): 221–250.
23. Monica Bella (1987), AFRICA STUDIES: The Exploration of Alternative Land Tenure and Organzational Arrangements for the Bakel Small Irrigated Perimeters, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States Agency for International Development, Quote: "Soninke society is not egalitarian, but rather is stratified into castes. At the top there is the noble or hore caste. The hore consist of debeaumme, nyinvaaumme, and the marabouts or religious leaders. The power of the marabouts is less than that of other nobles. Next are the artisan castes or nyakhamala. ..."; Edouard François Manchuelle (1987). Background to Black African Emigration to France: The Labor Migrations of the Soninke, 1848-1987. University of California Press. pp. 50–52.
24. Michael Gomez (2002). Pragmatism in the Age of Jihad: The Precolonial State of Bundu. Cambridge University Press. p. 24.
25. Sean Hanretta (2009). Islam and Social Change in French West Africa: History of an Emancipatory Community. Cambridge University Press. pp. 37 with footnote 23.
26. Mamadou Lamine Diawara (1990), La Graine de la Parole: dimension sociale et politique des traditions orales du royaume de Jaara (Mali) du XVème au milieu du XIXème siècle, volume 92, Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, pages 35-37, 41-45
27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i870NU9CQBQ; 2016, Yale University, presentation of Beyond Jihad: The Pacifist Tradition in West African Islam// The Yale Center for the Study of Globalization hosted the presentation of a new book by Professor Lamin Sanneh, “Beyond Jihad: The Pacifist Tradition in West African Islam.” Commentary by Professor Owen Fiss of the Yale Law School; Remarks on pacifism in Islam by Greenberg World Fellows 2016 Sughra Ahmed, Chair of the Islamic Society of Britain and Kanbar Hossein-bor, Senior British Diplomat in the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Список использованной литературы и электронных источников
28. https://calvin.edu/directory/series/lamin-sanneh (access Apr. 1, 2022)