Introduction 3 Chapter 1 Features of the use of articles 5 1.1 The semantic structure of the English article as a part of speech 5 1.2 Basic rules for using the English article 8 1.3 Factors regulating the use of English articles in speech 12 1.4 Consideration of the main cases of using the "zero article" at the present stage of development of the English language 14 1.5 The problem of using articles in English 18 1.6 Features of the use of articles in the Spanish language 21 Chapter 2 The use of articles in the journalistic genre of English and Spanish 27 2.1 Trends in the use of English articles 27 2.2 The article in the headlines of English newspapers 29 2.3 An article frоm the newspaper "The Times" and the analysis of articles in its translation into Russian 32 2.4 Features of the headlines of sports and economic articles in the Spanish press 36 CONCLUSION 38 References 39

Features of the use of articles in English and Spanish newspapers

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Introduction 3 Chapter 1 Features of the use of articles 5 1.1 The semantic structure of the English article as a part of speech 5 1.2 Basic rules for using the English article 8 1.3 Factors regulating the use of English articles in speech 12 1.4 Consideration of the main cases of using the "zero article" at the present stage of development of the English language 14 1.5 The problem of using articles in English 18 1.6 Features of the use of articles in the Spanish language 21 Chapter 2 The use of articles in the journalistic genre of English and Spanish 27 2.1 Trends in the use of English articles 27 2.2 The article in the headlines of English newspapers 29 2.3 An article frоm the newspaper "The Times" and the analysis of articles in its translation into Russian 32 2.4 Features of the headlines of sports and economic articles in the Spanish press 36 CONCLUSION 38 References 39
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The article in most languages is a separate functional word, standing in preposition to the name (or nominal group), and already in ancient in grammars, it stood out as a special part of speech. Undoubtedly, the study features of the article, its form and functioning in the language is important, since any mistake or mistranslation can radically change the meaning of the phrase, which means not fulfilling the main goal of speech activity. The study of the article by native speakers formally begins as early as elementary school, although the assimilation of its forms and features of use starts frоm the very first years, which helps carriers to use the correct shape in the desired position almost on an intuitive level. For learners of English or Spanish as a foreign language, acquaintance with the basic rules for the use of the article occur literally in the very the beginning of training. Despite this, it is the article, the cases of its use or omissions cause the greatest difficulty for language learners, especially if in their native languages, as, for example, in Russian, this part speech is missing. Moreover, there is a widespread belief that recognize a speaker as a native speaker of another language, no matter how good he is said, the easiest way is precisely by errors in the use of articles. The object of the study is articles as an important constituent element of a journalistic text.

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. The subject of the research is English and Spanish articles in English-language newspapers and the peculiarities of their translation. The purpose of this work, which was written at the intersection of three sciences (linguistics, translation studies and pedagogy), is to study the features of the definite article of the Spanish language frоm the point of view of its transmission in Russian, in the system of which this part of speech is absent, as well as the peculiarities of the use of English articles in newspapers. Tasks:  get acquainted with the concept of articles in the two languages under consideration;  name the basic rules for the use of articles in English and in Spanish;  determine the place of articles in the journalistic genre of speech;  consider the problems that arise when translating articles in newspapers. Research methods:  method of analysis;  comparison method;  classification method;  abstraction method. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that native Russian speakers who study English and Spanish have difficulties with the correct use of the definite article in speech. In addition, often the choice of an article (definite or indefinite) or its omission carries a special meaning that remains unclear to Russian speakers. In addition, this feature of the definite article - to convey shades of meaning - is also forgotten when translating frоm Russian into English or Spanish, therefore rather heavy phrases often appear instead of a concise and accurate translation. The novelty of this material is due to the fact that the use of articles has not been studied deeply enough, and in this study we consider and analyze articles frоm newspaper materials in order to consider this problem using specific examples. The theoretical basis of this study was the provisions, ideas, conclusions and generalizations on general issues about the articles of the languages under consideration, their classification, etc. The practical part of this study was made up of examples taken frоm modern journalism of the English language. Work structure. The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, conclusions and a list of sources used.

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There are three types of articles in English, each of which obeys certain rules, but there are many nuances and exceptions to the rules for using articles in written and spoken language. The article is a culture-specific category of the English language that develops and changes in the history of the development of English grammar. The article is a service part of speech, and this service function is implemented at all levels, starting with individual nouns and ending with the text. Articles are not formal elements of grammatical structures. The predominant occurrence of this or that article in the composition of any structures is explained by their meaningful correspondence. It is worth saying that it is difficult to formulate clear rules for the use of definite and indefinite articles. Rules can only be general and approximate. The number of options is unlimited, so you should remember the basic meanings of words and forms, in accordance with which they participate in various combinations of contexts, and accumulate these contexts in memory along with the accumulation of meaningful information. So, we considered special cases where in journalism articles acquire new shades and are used at the discretion of the author, and not always according to the rules. The topic discussed in this study is relevant today. The reason, of course, is that there are rules in the formulation of English articles. In this regard, there is a tendency to release English articles so far only in colloquial speech, but oddly enough, many linguists argue that this fact is also used in written speech.
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1 Azar B.S. Understanding and Using English Grammar / B.S. Azar, Hagen S.A.-Pearson Press, 1999.-489p. 2 Bazhenova E. Y. Discursive strategies for presenting information in news texts of British media (based on the material of high-quality Internet Newspapers): dis. ... Cand. Philol. Sciences. - Blagoveshchensk, 2015. - 181 p. 3 Bakhtin M. M. The problem of text in linguistics, Philology and other Humanities. M. 1934., - 475 p. 4 Bibber D. Longman English of spoken and written English/ D. Bibber, S. Conrad , G. Leech: Pearson Education Limited ,2002.- 497p. 5 Foley M. Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar / M. Foley. Hall. - Pearson Education Ltd, 2003. - 384 p. 6 George Yule: Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced - Oxford University Press - 2008. 280 p. 7 Ilyish B. The Structure of Modern English / B. Ilyish. - Leningrad: Prosvescheniye, 1971. - 366 p. 8 Lyutaya A. A. Modern newspaper headline: structure, semantics,pragmatics: autoref. Diss. ... Cand. Philol. sciences'. - Volgograd, 2008. - 22 p. 9 Malyuga E. N. the Role of headlines and subheadings in the Anglo-American press. M.: Max Press. 2012. - 186 p. 10 Murphy R. English Grammar in Use 4ed. Cambridge University Press - 2012 24.A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet A Practical English Grammar 4 ed., Oxford University Press, 1986. 11 Shostak M. I. a Few lines in the newspaper // Journalism and the media market. - Moscow: MSU publishing House, 2003. - no. 3. Pp. 21-25. 12 Stoudenets H. I.The English article in communicative patterns / H. I. Stoudenets; National University of Aviation. - Kyiv: Lenvit, 2006. - 71 p. 13 Thewlis S.H. Grammar Dimension. Form. Meaning and Use/ S.H. Thewlis, D. Larsen-Freeman. - Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2007.-438p. 14 Time [Online]. – URL : (дата обращения 16.09.2022). 15 Valeika L. An Introductory Course in Theoretical English Grammar/ L. Valeika, Buitkienė J.- Vilnius Pedagogical University, 2003.-135p.
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