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In Scandinavian languages the word stress is considered to be both dynamic and musical. For example, in Swedish, the word komma (comma) is distinguished frоm the word komma (come) by a modification in tones. The musical word stress is observed in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese. It is effected by the differences of voice pitch in relation to napghbouring syllables. The old-style classification of languages in accordance with the placement of word stress contains languages with fixed and free stress. If the stress is limited to a particular syllable of a polysyllabic word, it is named fixed. For instance, in French the stress permanently falls on the last syllable of the word, in Finnish and Czech — on the first syllable, in Polish — on the last but one syllable. If the place of the stress is not confined to a specific position in a word, it is named free. Such a placement of stress is exemplified in the Russian language where the stress may fall on the first, second, last or other syllables in different words (óблако — морóз — молокó). The English language signifies a more complicated case, because it tends to combine free and fixed tendencies of the placement of word stress. It holds true that word stress can fall on different syllables in English words ('mother, 'cinema, ba'lloon, de'mocracy). Furthermore, there are cases of stress shifting which help to differentiate parts of speech or derivative word-forms ('import — to im'port, 'library — li'brarian). Motionless the placement of stress in English words is highly predictable, as its position in most cases is the product of the historical language development. In order to avoid accentual errors and problems in establishing the stress pattern of English words, it is required for language students to distinguish the elementary rules of accentuation, which are presupposed by the derivation of English words and their rhythmic or morphemic structure. Thus, the relevance of the topic of the essay lies in the fact that today the great attention is paid to the investigation of accentual structure of English words. Because stress or accent fulfill enormous functions of formation words and compound words. The key aim of the course paper is to clarify types of stress, places and degrees of word stress, factors and functions of word stress. In accordance with the main aim research objectives were developed: 1) establish what is word stress; 2) analyze factors defining the place and degree of word stress: semantic, historical, recessive factor, rhythmic factor and retentive tendencies.