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The primary objective of this course paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of facilitation and causation verbs, considering their frequency, distribution, collocations, and potential ambiguities. To achieve this objective, several tasks have been set, including data collection frоm a diverse corpus of contemporary English texts, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the collected data, and examination of potential ambiguities and polysemy related to these verbs. The object of this research is the English language, with a particular focus on facilitation and causation verbs. The subject of the study encompasses the syntactic and semantic properties of these verbs in various contexts. This research is based on the problem of understanding the intricacies of facilitation and causation verbs in English and their impact on language learners and teachers. The authors studied include renowned linguists and researchers in the field, such as Chomsky, Halliday, and Hopper, among others. The material under research includes various works by these authors, as well as other linguistic studies on facilitation and causation verbs. The study consists of an introduction, two main chapters, and a conclusion. The first chapter presents the theoretical background on facilitation and causation verbs, while the second chapter focuses on the data-driven analysis of these verbs in contemporary English texts.