1.1. Modern electronic learning dictionaries 4
1.2. Dictionaries of slang and colloquial expressions 5
2.1. General characteristics of lexicographic trends 7
2.2. Computational lexicography 8
2.3. Corpus-based lexicography 9
2.4. Internet lexicography 12
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In the course of the study, we achieved our goal and reached the following conclusions:
1. Today, in English-speaking countries, educational dictionaries are acquiring an electronic format, which makes it easier for a person to search for unfamiliar words, and also speeds up the learning process.
2. In addition to educational dictionaries, various dictionaries of colloquial expressions, slang, borrowings, etc. also go into the electronic sphere. Undoubtedly, the main trend in modern world lexicography, not only English, is the active use of computer technology.
3. The main trends in lexicography are the use of multimedia means; the navigable help indices in windows oriented software; the use of sound, animation, audio and visual (pictures, videos), etc.
4. Computer linguistics is a branch of linguistics in which computer science methods are used to analyze and synthesize language and speech. In lexicography, achievements in the field of electronic instrumentation and computer science revolutionized the process of word formation, showed new prospects in this area, supported lexicographic research in various directions.
5. Corpus lexicography is an area of language learning based on textual or acoustic cases with very frequent use of a computer at certain stages of data storage, retrieval or analysis.
6. English is the main language of the Internet, so many dictionaries are reference books on linguistics. They can be monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual dictionaries.
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