1. Linguistic expertise...................................................................................................4
2. The types of forensic linguistic expertise..................................................................6
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The purpose of writing the abstract was to study linguistic expertise, as well as types of forensic linguistic expertise.
All the research tasks were completed to achieve this goal:
1. Analyzes the concept of linguistic expertise;
2. Studied species of the forensic linguistic examination.
Let's summarize the results of the study.
Thus, the further development of forensic psychological and forensic linguistic expertise is on the way to integrate knowledge and its application. Therefore, we associate the fourth stage of development of complex psychological and linguistic expertise with its prospects – the most relevant areas of expert research that require priority methodological support.
These are expert examinations in cases of corruption, in cases related to insulting the feelings of believers; information materials intended for children; based on the materials of operational and investigative actions to determine the impact on the content of testimony; interviews (interrogations) of minor victims in cases of crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual; examination of texts of a religious nature. They also require the development of the problem of readiness of the sounding speech, remote diagnostics of the speaker's emotional state, communicative analysis of the sounding text, and others.
The main directions of development of forensic psychological and linguistic expertise that require theoretical and practical development today are to improve the methodological foundations, scientific and methodological support for new types of research, the system of training and advanced training of experts frоm forensic institutions of the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation, and the allocation of a new specialty within the scope of forensic expertise, related to psychological research of information materials, accreditation of laboratories and expert methods, interagency and international cooperation.
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