ANNOTATION 3 INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER 1. Articulation of the English vowels 6 1.1 English vowels 6 1.1 English consonants 13 CHAPTER 2. Features of pronunciation in the English language 23 2.1 Accent 23 2.2 Stress, intonation and rhythm 27 CHAPTER 3. Phonetic analysis of CNN announcers’ speech 33 3.1 Goals, objectives and conditions of the experiment 33 3.2 Analysis of prosodic features of CNN announcers’ speech 36 3.3 Coarticulation analysis on CNN news videos 43 CONCLUSION 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY 54 INTERNET RESOURCES 55

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ANNOTATION 3 INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER 1. Articulation of the English vowels 6 1.1 English vowels 6 1.1 English consonants 13 CHAPTER 2. Features of pronunciation in the English language 23 2.1 Accent 23 2.2 Stress, intonation and rhythm 27 CHAPTER 3. Phonetic analysis of CNN announcers’ speech 33 3.1 Goals, objectives and conditions of the experiment 33 3.2 Analysis of prosodic features of CNN announcers’ speech 36 3.3 Coarticulation analysis on CNN news videos 43 CONCLUSION 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY 54 INTERNET RESOURCES 55
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The English language is the official (first) or co-official language of 45 countries. It is a native language for more than 410 million English speakers and a second (or foreign) language for 1 billion people, and these numbers are growing every day. It is the second most spoken language in the world nowadays, with the Chinese language being the first In modern conditions, the aggravation of information confrontation, a comprehensive analysis of news texts that form an informational picture of the world, construct the image of the event, influencing the individual perception and public opinion.

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In addition, the news performs the most important structuring function, being the pivot component of mass media discourse around which the entire the rest of the media content, we can say that news is a load-bearing support spatio-temporal organization of an endless stream media material. In English-speaking science, even a special direction emerged - News linguistics, a special industry speech analysis dedicated to the analysis of news. Against the background of general enthusiasm discursive approach along with the term «mass media discourse» the term «news discourse» appeared, which is used for designation of the entire corpus of news texts. The speech of announcers is traditionally accepted by foreigners, and especially by Russian-speaking specialists in the university course of English phonetics, as a role model, let’s dwell on its phonetic originality in more detail. Here it is necessary to take into account national ideas about the speech image of the presenter of news programs when presenting material. There are only two standards for English pronunciation: American - General American, or GenAm; British - Received Pronunciation (RP). English today is the leader in international communication. Without it, it is very difficult to have a good education and build a successful career, and even travel the world. The number of people who speak English is steadily increasing all over the world. The purpose of the research is to carry out features of pronunciation CNN’s announcers. Based on the purpose of the research, we put forward the following tasks: - describe the articulation of the English vowels; - describe the articulation of the English Consonants; - analyze the English accent, stress, rhythm and intonation; - analyze CNN announcers’ speech; - learn prosodic features of announcer’s speech; - analyze Coarticulation in CNN news videos The object of the research is the English language. The subject of the research includes phonetic features of CNN announcers’ speech. The practical application of the work lies in the possibility of using the obtained results in teaching American English pronunciation.

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This work is a phonetic study in which an attempt was made to analyze pronunciation features and coarticulation phenomena in the speeches of English and American speakers news broadcasts, carriers of national pronunciation standards. The research material was 6 news video editions of CNN edition. All tasks were completed in the work. The first part was theoretical and we had to study and give information about two types of pronunciation. There is information about English vowels and consonants and difference between RP and AG pronunciation. Vowel sounds are sounds, during the formation of which, the air flow freely passes through the oral cavity, without encountering obstacles in its path. Vowels can be one simple sound - monophthong or complex sound - diphthong (like / a / in ice). The vowel system in English includes 20 elements: 12 monophthongs and 8 diphthongs. All consonants are different shades of noise. When they are formed, the air stream encounters an obstacle in its path. Their articulation can be accompanied by the sound of a voice (voiced) or pronounced without it (deaf). The consonant system includes 24 elements. The second part was a study of different features of English pronunciation. There is information about intonation, accent, rhythm, timbre, stress. In any language, intonation serves for the external design of a sentence. With the help of intonation, our listener understands whether the sentence is a story, a question, a request or an exclamation. Intonation also expresses our emotions: surprise, irritation, joy, discontent. An accent is a phonetic difference frоm a normative language, and a dialect also affects the lexical and grammatical level and is a type of language that is used by a limited group of people connected by a professional, territorial or social community. The third part was experimental. There are 7 news videos. When broadcasting to an international audience, when a special, neutral approach is needed in building a statement, in the prosody of presenters and announcers traced mechanisms of influence on the audience. Among them is an emphatic discharge word in a phrase, a special pause, and also wavy, emotional intonation in general The Role of Prosodic Means in Implementation functions of communication and influence in international news discourse requires more detailed study in integrated research using methods of audit and electronic acoustic analysis, as well as mathematical and statistical methods of data processing. The pace is moderate and rarely goes beyond the average reading pace. The most measured speech is found in news programs with off-screen reading of the summary (in average 140-150 words per minute), which can be explained by the lack of eye contact and a separate channel for the transmission of non-verbal information through posture, facial expressions, gestures, and also studio design - in such conditions requirements for clarity speech goes up. The origin, history of formation and development, as well as major differences between national pronunciation standards Great Britain and the United States, which are in the vowel and consonant system sounds, intonation, rhythm and word stress. The concept of coarticulation is presented, such processes included in it, such as: coarticulation proper, accommodation, assimilation, elision and reduction.
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