INTRODUCTION 3 Paragraph 1. The term “American way of life” 4 Paragraph 2. Concepts that characterize Americans 5 Paragraph 3. The concept of time, cars, computers, life on credit 7 Paragraph 4. Own house or drugs addition? 9 Paragraph 5. Pros and cons of American way of life 10 CONCLUSION 12 REFERENCES 13

American way of life

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65% уникальность
2022 год
71 просмотров
Макарова Е.
Эксперт по предмету «Английский»
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INTRODUCTION 3 Paragraph 1. The term “American way of life” 4 Paragraph 2. Concepts that characterize Americans 5 Paragraph 3. The concept of time, cars, computers, life on credit 7 Paragraph 4. Own house or drugs addition? 9 Paragraph 5. Pros and cons of American way of life 10 CONCLUSION 12 REFERENCES 13
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The American way of life cannot be understood outside the context of the American Dream and the American values associated with it. Recently, the American way of life has been undergoing changes. First of all, this refers to such a fundamental characteristic of the American way of life as the attitude to time. The American's relationship to time is the key to understanding the American way of life and contemporary American culture. America is characterized by an intensive use of time: speed as a way of relating to time and its use is an important characteristic of social time. The object of the study is the United States of America through the prism of culture and life. The subject of the study is the American way of life. The purpose of the study is to identify the distinctive features of the American way of life and find the features inherent in it and able to distinguish this way of life frоm the ways of life of other cultures. Tasks:  to consider the features of the American lifestyle;  to describe the distinctive features inherent in Americans;  to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the American way of life. The relevance of the topic of our study lies in the fact that, on the one hand, there is a great interest in the topic "American way of life" in modern science, on the other hand, its insufficient development.

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Consideration of issues related to this topic has both theoretical and practical significance. In addition, in today's world, due to the current situation, America as a whole and the way people live there are of particular interest to the inhabitants of countries involved in the conflict. Work structure. The abstract consists of an introduction, two sections, conclusions, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

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We have considered the American way of life in sufficient detail and we can conclude that it is not for nothing that America and the way of life there are of interest to many. In America, as in any advanced society, there is a complex system of cultural symbols, conventions, and rules that pervade the entire society. America is a part of human existence, which includes a huge variety of interests, entertainment, good and evil, humor, absurdity and everything else inherent in man. In general, two almost indisputable generalizations can be made. First, the main directions of the current lifestyle are determined, apparently, by the Americans. Second, what is considered purely American today is unlikely to remain so for long. Therefore, those traditions and attitudes, habits and customs, which are constantly observed in America, are of the greatest interest. In the course of our study, various features of American society inherent in their national mentality, as well as the pros and cons of the American way of life, were identified.
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1 A Brief History of the American Dream [Electronic resource] // URL : 2 Concepts that Shape the American Way of Life [Electronic resource] // URL : 3 Hoffman, M. House of Cards frоm Saburb // Immigrants. 1998. No. 3. – 168 p. 4 Lawrence, R. S. The American Way of Life: A Cultural History. – 2012. – 256 p. 5 Marcuse, Herbert, 1898-1979. One Dimensional Man; Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. Boston :Beacon Press, 1964. – 257 p. 6 Polikarpov, V. S. Decline of America. - Moscow / Science - 1999. - 247 p. 7 Semenova, D. A. American way of life: value characteristics. – Tambov State University. G. R. Derzhavin - Tambov. - 2000. - 460 p. 8 Substance Misuse and Substance use Disorders: Why do they Matter in Healthcare? [Electronic resource] // URL : 9 Wulf, A. Changes frоm top to bottom // Sotsis, 1993, No. 3, 234 p.
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