Content 2 Introduction 2 1. RESEARCH DESCRIPTION 6 1.1 Destructive behavior: concept, causes and types 6 1.2 Prevention of destructive behavior: content and approaches 15 2. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 22 2.1 Destructive behavior in social networks 22 2.2. Types of strategies and tactics of destructive behavior in social networks 29 3. FINDING AND RESULTS + KEY FINDINGS 38

Классификация стратегий и тактик деструктивного поведения в социальных сетях

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Content 2 Introduction 2 1. RESEARCH DESCRIPTION 6 1.1 Destructive behavior: concept, causes and types 6 1.2 Prevention of destructive behavior: content and approaches 15 2. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 22 2.1 Destructive behavior in social networks 22 2.2. Types of strategies and tactics of destructive behavior in social networks 29 3. FINDING AND RESULTS + KEY FINDINGS 38
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The relevance of the research problem. At the present stage of the development of Russian society, large-scale socio-economic, political, and cultural changes are taking place, leading to an aggravation of social contradictions, a rethinking of values, and the emergence of new socially dangerous processes and phenomena. The impact of adverse factors on the emerging personality contributes to the emergence of various kinds of deformations and the growth of social deviations, one of which is destructive behavior. It is understood as destructive behavior directed both at oneself and at others. Destructive behavior is expressed by intolerance, stubbornness, rudeness, fear, panic, hatred or aggression. Destructiveness is present in every individual, but it manifests itself only at crucial moments in his life, one of which is adolescence. Significant changes are taking place in the mind of a minor: a sense of adulthood appears, a feeling of being an adult. A teenager begins to defend his rights, protects many areas of his life frоm the control of his parents and often goes into conflicts with them.

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That is why the destructive behavior of minors has recently become widespread, which has put this phenomenon in the focus of attention of social work specialists, social educators, psychologists, law enforcement officials. Today, the destructive behavior of minors is considered as evidence of shortcomings in the educational sphere, the difficult socio-economic situation in the country, and the totality of facts of antisocial behavior and offenses of minors in a certain territory as a serious indicator of the shortcomings of the preventive and socio-educational work carried out. In this regard, there is a need for timely socio-psychological prevention of destructive behavior of minors. Since it is known that it is easier to prevent a phenomenon than to deal with it and its consequences. The activity of socio-psychological prevention of destructive behavior of minors should be carried out on the basis of: - identification of adverse factors and desocializing influences frоm the immediate environment that cause deviations in the development of the personality of minors and timely neutralization of these adverse maladapting influences; - timely diagnosis of deviations in the behavior of minors; - implementation of a differentiated approach in the selеction of educational and preventive means. Studying the influence of family and school on the manifestation of destructive behaviors allows us to better understand the nature of this phenomenon, to identify the main mechanism and trends in the functioning and development of destructive behavior. Therefore, the family, the education system and its leading link – the school - should be involved in solving the problem of preventing destructive behavior of minors, first of all. In our opinion, it is very important that, first of all, it is the school that conducts preventive work, identifying minors with destructive forms of behavior, or who can potentially fall into the destructive group. In our opinion, improving the socio-psychological prevention of destructive behavior of minors in general education institutions will help reduce destructive manifestations in the behavior of minors. The degree of scientific elaboration of the problem. A large number of scientific works are devoted to the problems associated with deviant and destructive behavior, where they are studied frоm the point of view of various sciences: pedagogy, sociology, general psychology, social psychology (E.E. Bechtel, T.R. Barkov, N.E.Voloshin, M.A. Galaguzova, O.R. Zinchenko, N.N. Ivants, E.A. Koshkina, R.P. Maksimova, G.S. Stezhkova, O.P. Strelets, N.Y.Yavlitsky, etc.). Based on the specifics of their research, the authors describe approaches to understanding these phenomena. At the same time, some authors focus on the psychological aspect of destructive behavior (R.V. Antonikov, U.V. Gladkova, O.M. Ilnitskaya, A.O. Medvedeva), and others on the social aspect (D.A. Baryshev, O.D. Germanovskaya, G.N. Zhelokov, A.N. Nikolaev). The types of destructive behavior were studied by B.N. Almazov, S.A. Belicheva, B.P. Bitinas, I.S. Kon, G.F. Kumarina, A.V. Mudrik. The factors and causes of destructive behavior of adolescents are presented in the works of V.G. Bocharova, Y.R. Vishnevsky, I.A. Gorkova, G.A. Gurko, I.A. Dvoimenny, A.N. Elizarov, E.N. Zaborova, V.A. Lelekov, A.V. Merenkov, and V.D. Moskalenko. The forms and methods of prevention of both deviant behavior and destructive behavior are studied in the works of I.I. Karpets, P.P. Lebedev, V.A. Nomokonov, L.I. Spiridonov, D.A. Shestakov. Despite the existence of works devoted to the socio-psychological prevention of destructive behavior of minors, the problem of socio-psychological prevention of destructive behavior of minors in educational institutions has been studied insignificantly. The object of research: destructive behavior. Subject of research: classification of strategies and tactics of destructive behavior in social networks. The purpose of the study: to study the classification of strategies and tactics of destructive behavior in social networks. Research objectives: - to study the theoretical foundations of socio-psychological prevention of destructive behavior; - to reveal the forms and methods of socio-psychological prevention of destructive behavior; - to identify the features of strategies and tactics of destructive behavior in social networks; - to determine the main classifications of strategies and tactics of destructive behavior in social networks. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is presented by: a biogenetic concept, where the leading role in the personal development of a person belongs to his natural and biological origin, all the causes of deviations in behavior lie in human biology, in his genetic predisposition (Z. Freud, E. Tordnaik,. Buhler, E. Mayer, A. Jackson). Research methods. In the course of writing the thesis, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of research. Theoretical and practical significance of the study. The analysis of the theoretical foundations of destructive behavior in social networks made it possible to clarify the relationship between the concepts of deviant, aggressive, destructive behavior, to specify the causes and types of destructive behavior. The practical significance of the work is determined by the possibility of using the results of the study by practical psychologists and students. The structure of the thesis is determined by the logic of the research and the tasks set. The work includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

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