МГУ им. Ломоносова

стилистический анализ статьи

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2013 год
24 просмотров
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Эксперт по предмету «Стилистика»
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The story is written in a matter-of-fact tone. This story is story is tinged with tragedy and sadness. The text under analysis presents the story of Princess Diana. The title is the allusion on Greek myth about Icarus who was the sun of master craftsman Dedalus. Icarus forgot about the balances of the distance between the ground and the sun. He tried to fly upper and upper. And the result was: the sun melts the wax the feathers in the wings were fastened with. So the sun destroyed Icarus’s wings. The meaning of this allusion is: the man who tries to live his life too brightly should be burnt with his own light. The introductory paragraph sheds light on the central idea of this dramatic story: the great desire to live was killed with death. To underline the extraordinary injustice ragged of young woman's life, the author primarily represents her social status — the status of the mother: “She was 36. She leaves two young sons”. The headline of the article “Flying too close to the sun” exemplifies a number of structural and semantic peculiarities of a typical newspaper headline: it is written in much larger type size than the article text. For whatever reason, the author has decided that this title would reflect in a perfect way the actual text. But the author, under the terms of intrigue, violates copyright etiquette rule, forcing the reader to think, to determine who will be discussed further. That’s not perfect way of writing for modern journalism. Not only the headline, but the whole main body of the article abounds in vocabulary items pertaining to the topic “Prices Diana” — take for instance, “Unthinkable”, people said when they heard of the news of Prices Diana’s death”, that can be regarded as general lexis about the fact which is reflected if the article, and then consider “she was a superstar who died young in violent circumstances”, which reflected the psychological point of the fact of princes’s death. One can’t but notice the author’s skillful juggling with simple, laconic, plain descriptions (for example, in the first paragraph) and complex, intricate, verbose and even flamboyant passages (for instance, the second paragraph), which proves the well-known fact that a newspaper article may combine the features of both written and oral speech. Among the main features of the text syntax the relative variety of sentence construction comes first. The readers encounter only one of four types of sentences by purpose – declarative. There are no interrogative and exclamatory sentences. That means that there’s nothing obscure in fact of the death of Princess, and nothing is more unworthy than to yell that he is no more here. Diana was a princess. Accordingly, the memory of it must contain the royal mind. The author employs a number of stylistic devices that produce the effect of tragedy. The author links psychological drama to the place of Diana in conscious of Englishmen; the author likens her story to a human being. The author employs big complicated sentences that produce oppressive effect. He uses lots of qualitive definitions (eg. long and melancholy record). Also we can see many verbs, that indicate presence (eg. laid, do, is, was). The author enhances the desired effect with the help of introductory words (e.g. increasingly, in doing this). Melancholies, gripping … these epithets daze the emotional force they carry. The powerful effect produced by these expressive means is unquestionable. The author's object in employing these stylistic devices is quite evident.
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