Introduction 3 1. Antonyms in the system of lexical relations 5 1.1. Definition of the concept of antonymy, its essence 5 1.2. Types of antonyms in text 7 1.3. Features of paremia antonyms 9 2. Antonyms in English provers 12 2.1. Categorical features of antonyms in English paremias 12 2.2. Antonymic relations in proverbs with lexemes «Old» / «Young» 16 Conclusion 19 Bibliography 20


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Introduction 3 1. Antonyms in the system of lexical relations 5 1.1. Definition of the concept of antonymy, its essence 5 1.2. Types of antonyms in text 7 1.3. Features of paremia antonyms 9 2. Antonyms in English provers 12 2.1. Categorical features of antonyms in English paremias 12 2.2. Antonymic relations in proverbs with lexemes «Old» / «Young» 16 Conclusion 19 Bibliography 20
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A characteristic feature of modern studies of lexical semantics is an increased interest in the problems of antonymy, which has attracted the attention of a very wide range of researchers. Antonymy has been the subject of close scrutiny for generations of scholars. Antonyms sound in proverbs and sayings, in book titles, poetry and prose. Hardly any other language means so expressively and succinctly describe the contrasts that make up our lives. Many examples of antonymy frоm childhood become an integral part of our vocabulary. At present, there is a certain shift in emphasis in the study of antonymy - frоm a general linguistic plan to a specific speech embodiment of antonymy; the social nature of language is increasingly recognized by researchers, and the analysis of systemic linguistic phenomena is anthropological in nature.

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. Paremias as works of oral folk art are one of the main sources for studying the culture of a people, its national character, which is based on the totality of universal and specific values. Relevance of the research topic. Despite the fact that the phenomenon of antonymy by the end of the twentieth century was studied quite deeply, the speech embodiment of antonymy in paremias, where it has its own specifics, has not been fully investigated. The aim of the research is to study the manifestation of antonymy in English proverbs. Based on this goal, the following tasks were identified: 1. Consider the concept of antonymy. 2. Study the types of antonyms in the text. 3. Consider the features of antonyms in paremias. 4. To study the categorical features of the English paremias. 5. Research of antonymic relations in proverbs with lexemes «Old / "Young». The object of the research is the phenomenon of antonymy. Subject – antonyms in English proverbs. Research methods. To achieve this goal, a set of research methods and techniques was used in the work. In accordance with this goal, the following methods are used as the main ones: descriptive method, comparative method, component analysis method. The material for the research was proverbs frоm the Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the identification of empirical material, including English paremias. The analysis of the units under study was carried out. The theoretical value of the research is associated with the further development of methods for comparative analysis of various languages based on proverbs, as well as issues of speech embodiment of antonymy in Russian and English paremias. The study makes a certain contribution to the development of the main provisions of cultural linguistics and paremiology in the context of studying the specifics of the national character. The practical value is due to the fact that both the material and the results of the study can be used in the preparation of training courses on cultural linguistics, intercultural communication, comparative typology of the English language, stylistics. The study consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

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In the course of our work, we achieved our goal and came to the following conclusions: 1. In a general sense, antonyms are words with the opposite meaning. However, there is still no single definition in the scientific literature. Thus, the definitions of the concept «antonym» can be conditionally divided into three groups, each of which complements the previous one. 2. There are the following types of antonyms in the text: lexical systemic (general) antonyms of different roots, lexical systemic one-root antonyms, lexical individual author's (occasional) one-part antonyms, grammatical antonyms, represented by antonymic oppositions, grammatical antonyms, represented by antonymic categorical forms, grammatical antonyms, represented by sentences with the same lexical meaning. 3. Antonyms in paremias can be manifested through the following stylistic figures: antithesis, oxymoron, acrosthesis. 4. The peculiarity of antonyms in English proverbs lies in their categorical diversity. So, antonyms can be expressed by all parts of speech, express a contrasting meaning both at the lexical and grammatical levels. 5. One of the brightest oppositions in English proverbs is the opposition «Old» / «Young». The results obtained complement the existing theoretical positions, do not contradict them and determine the prospects for further research, which may include a comparative analysis of English and Russian proverbs within the framework of linguistic pictures of the world, as well as the study of other antonymic oppositions.  
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