Introduction 3
1. Theoretical studies of phraseological units of the English language 5
1.1. Main characteristics of phraseological units 5
1.2. The nature of phraseological units, their essential features and the structure of phraseological units 7
1.3. Classification of phraseological units 8
1.4. Criteria for assessing the belonging of stable combinations to phraseological units 10
2. Analysis of phraseological units in the collection of fairy tales by Oscar Wilde «The Pomegranate House» 14
2.1. Description of the collection of fairy tales by Oscar Wilde «Pomegranate House» 14
2.2. Classification and examples of stylistic errors associated with the use of phraseological units 19
2.3. Techniques for modifying phraseological units 22
Conclusion 27
Bibliography 29
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In the course of this work, the following main goal was set: the study of phraseological units in the collection of fairy tales «The Pomegranate House» by Oscar Wilde. To achieve this goal, the following main tasks were solved:
- the main characteristics of phraseological units are considered
- studied the nature of phraseological units, their essential features and the structure of phraseological units;
- the classification of phraseological units is considered;
- criteria for evaluating the belonging of stable combinations to phraseological units have been identified;
- a description of the collection of fairy tales by Oscar Wilde «The Pomegranate House» is given;
- the classification and examples of stylistic errors associated with the use of phraseological units are considered;
- methods of modification of phraseological units are revealed.
Based on the results of this work, the following main conclusions can be drawn:
The phenomenon of phraseologization is one of the most important processes that extend to words and consist in gaining semantic integrity through phrases. As a result of this process, phrases acquire stability and become ready-made expressions for expressing a certain concept. The emergence and functioning of phraseological units is based on the need to establish communication between native speakers. As the main functional-structural and semantic models for the formation of new phraseological units, we have identified six types of phrases in phraseological units: prepositional-nominal combinations of words, comparative constructions, verb phrases, descriptive phrases, terminological phrases, and interactive idioms. The language of modern media is the basis for experiments. The phraseological layer was significantly replenished with vernacular and jargon, since ideological and normative-philological censorship was eliminated. Slang and jargon are becoming habitual means of public communication, thanks to which the media clearly reflect the current state of the language. As part of the study of the transformation of phraseological units in the context of newspaper communication, it can be concluded that the most common methods of dephraseologising are double updating, expansion of phraseological units and literalization.
The main trends in the transformation of expressive units are:
1) strengthening the expressive, figurative and emotional meaning of phraseological units;
2) increased impact on the reader;
3) adaptation of phraseological units to a specific language situation;
4) puns;
5) creating a direct, natural conversation with the reader;
6) novelty, freshness of the text.
Thus, the tasks of this work can be considered solved, the goal is achieved.
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