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The development of the latest information and computer technologies, the emergence of a global Internet network also influenced the popularity of the English language. English is rightfully called "Latin of the 20th century": about ¾ of all borrowings in Russian at the end of the 20th century fall on Anglo-Americanism. The relevance of the study is that the problem of borrowing is especially significant in modern conditions, since today serious concerns are being expressed about a powerful influx of Anglicisms, which can lead to a depreciation of the Russian word. The study was based on the following hypothesis: it is safe to assume that nowadays there are already a lot of English words in Russian and that each person uses a certain amount of them every day. Every day, television brings down a stream of information on us, necessarily containing incomprehensible foreign words, and many of them have already entered our vocabulary. This means that English should be studied not only in order to read texts in textbooks, but also in order to feel like a cultural person who is able to fully communicate with contemporaries, both in our country and abroad, to understand the inscriptions around us on shop windows, trade labels and labels, advertising, instructions. The purpose of this work: using the analysis of Anglicisms in Russian, to show the justification and unjustified of some borrowings frоm English into Russian. To achieve the goal, we set ourselves the following tasks: - identify the reasons for borrowing Anglicisms in modern Russian; - on the material of our study, highlight justified and unjustified borrowings frоm the English language in Russian speech. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the material and results of this study in speech culture lessons, English lessons, as well as in the further study of foreign borrowing. The material we have collected will help teachers to carry out work to educate students in the culture of handling foreign-language words, good linguistic taste, and students – it is correct and appropriate to use linguistic means, both strangers and their own. The material collected in this work will be interesting and useful to everyone who studies English, who would like to better learn and understand the Russian language.